Phillipsrevyen 1987, 4

Muu nimi/muut nimet: Phillipsrevyen 4-87
Lajityyppi: Information film
Vuosi: 1987
Kesto: 00:27:01
Kuvaus: Company newsreel (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway) : company safety philosophy : Chinook helicopter returns after near accident : water injection wells K-4 and K-30 : production drop at Edda : interview with chief executive Mike McConnell
Sisältölähde: Nasjonalbiblioteket
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Phillips Petroleum Company Norway
In Copyright / Please contact Nasjonalbiblioteket for copyright information -
Tuotantoyhtiö: TVP film og tv studio
Väri: Colour
Sound: With sound
Kokoelma: Ekofisk films, Norwegian oil industry
Alkuperäinen tallennusmuoto: Video/mpeg
Language: en
Related Names
- McConnell, Mike | Participant
- Mo, Torunn | Narrator
- Sandal, Bjørg | Narrator
- Hansen, Rigmor | Participant
- Enoksen, Berit | Participant
- Molaug, Gunnvor | Participant
- Pedersen, Arne | Participant
- Palmer, John | Participant
- Broughton, Peter | Participant
- Karlsen, Knut | Participant
- Helle, Arild | Participant